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How To Get More Youtube Comments
On Your Video?

Youtube is second only to Google in search engine. With over 2 billion users and 5 billion videos watched every day, yes that is right 5,000,000,000 videos every single day. Such is the popularity of this social media platform. Success in YouTube means fame, money and recognition. Although the main focus is always on views and subscribers. There is one important aspect which often people neglect or don’t understand. It is the comments on youtube videos. To get more youtube videos is a very important aspect in gaining views and subscribers on youtube and making it big on this channel.

So the million dollar question is how can we get more comments on the youtube video?

Comments are user interaction and their reviews about the video. They can be positive as well as negative. Both are beneficial for the video. More comments mean that the video is successful in engineering the user interest in the video. To get more comments to your video is an art which you should master to win the youtube popularity war.

1. Your videos should end with questions

Videos that end with a question on youtube always generate more comments and hence user engagement. You can ask questions like ‘Did you like the video, please leave a comment’ or ‘please share your suggestions in the comment section below’. The video which ends with questions leaves an impression on the audience and it prompts them to leave their views through comments. So it is a very fruitful strategy to ask a question at the end of each video feed on your channel.

A question is like an engaging bait for the user and 80% of the audience fall for it. It is like testing their skill in the subject and everyone likes to give a free opinion. The question also has the power to create a thread or discussions among the users, which is even more beneficial. This strategy has been proved to give effective results every time. It is used and recommended by every youtuber who is successful. Even the most popular youtuber with millions of subscribers also ask question at the end of their videos, like this.


2. Be the first to leave a comment on your video

This is an effective strategy that works across every social media platform be it instagram, facebook and other blog posts. If the content creator is commenting on the video, people get more interested to answer or reply to that post or comment. It is effective as it is a great icebreaker. It prompts more and more people to comment on your video. You can very well say that you like the video and ask the audience to leave and comment or reply. You can also pin your comment so that people can comment on that and thus you get more youtube comments.


3. Utilize your most popular video by replicating it

You need to analyze all your videos and check which type of video content gets more customer engagement. You can do this through youtube analytics to understand this better. After selecting the most engaging video which has got the most user views and likes, you must make the next videos repeating this subject and theme. These options would mean you would get more comments and views. The replication of your popular niche video means that you already know the audience choice. This also means that the youtube algorithms would also prompt it in their search results. This would also send this to the feed of the similar audience as they are familiar with the content there is a high probability of this video getting more comments and engagement.

4. Youtube contest and giveaway is a comment puller

Anything that provides a sense of winning and remuneration is a crowd puller. So whenever you organize a contest or giveaways it is bound to pull more viewer engagement. Organize a contest or giveaway to your audience. You can always give discount coupons or free supply of your products. It is also a great idea to ask the audience for the contest ideas in the comments section. The contest is a great way to increase views, subscribers and comments on your channel’s videos.

5. Delete negative trolls

Social media has a dark side also and that is the trolls. Trolls have only one job and that is to spam and demonize any account. Youtube is also not spared from this. The troll can comment on your video in the form of any spam links or can also be put by some rivals to comment bad things about your videos. The best way to deal with these trolls is to delete the comments which you find are offensive or spam. Sometimes the troll also harass the fans or people who have commented good things about your video. The Best thing to do is to delete these comments.

6. Use the other social media platforms

Social media platforms are a great way to get more comments on your youtube videos. Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, reddit and quora are a great way to get more and more comments on your videos. There can be two strategies to use these platforms:

  • Ask your followers to comment on the video:

    You can post your video on your social media profile and then ask your followers to watch and review your video through comments. You can also ask them to share this content on their social media platforms. This way you would not only sure and genuine comment, but also increase your range of comments through your followers sharing your video.

  • Join a niche group and ask for suggestions and reviews:

    There are many groups at various social media platforms that allow you to post your posts on their groups. Now the best thing about these groups is that the audience is wanting the content you are posting, so the engagement is more and also the comments would be more. As this would have a wider range. The reddit has many subreddits which are niche specific and hence you would get a good response in the form of comments. Likewise in Quora there are niche specific niches where you can post your videos and get more and more comments.

7. By replying to the comments

The comments that are on your video are from authentic users who have watched your video and have something to say about your video. So make it an obligation to answer all the comments. If someone is suggesting some inputs or edits in the video which you feel can enhance the quality of reach of the video, you should always implement it and thank the user through a reply comment.

Replying to a comment has many rippling effects. When you reply to a comment then there is every possibility that the original commenter would reply with a thank you note. So this option has the potential to get you more comments on youtube video.

8. Start a discussion in the comment section

Discussions are a great way to increase comments on your video. When you upload a video, input your comment and ask for suggestions or a question on how it was. Then wait for the people to respond. When the people began to respond, try to make it into a discussion. A discussion has a great spirit to enhance your comment section. With more people joining the discussion you would have a comment section that would grow exponentially.

9. Ask or make an influencer youtuber to comment on your video

Any niche influencer in your niche has a very large audience which likes him or her. So if that influencer comments on your video then that comment would attract the followers of that influencer to comment and reply more on that channel. The influencer is not easy to convince but if persuaded and requested this can be done. This can also be done if the influencer accepts paid promotions. It is a great way to enhance comments on video.

10. Using some professional sites to increase comments

There are some professional sites which offer comments to the videos. Using this option is a great way to enhance your comments section. is one such site that provides such comments to your videos. The best thing about this option is that you can get comments from any type of audience, age group or demography. They also provide gender specific comments which can be utilized according to the channel’s main audience.

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