Frequently Asked Questions

Does buying youtube views work?

Yes it does. We provide views from organic and active Youtube users. When you get your youtube views from a genuine source it definitely help you in promoting and monetizing your channel.

Does getting more views help you in monetization?

Youtube monetization program is all about views. The more you get the more you earn. So getting more views to your video definitely would help you in getting more money.

Is my password compromised?

No we never ask for any password or other user sensitive date from you. We only need the user name and you are through.

Would I lost my views?

No, these views are permanent. You cannot lose your views. Once your views are counted there are no way that it can be reduced. The views would be gone only if you erase your channel.

Where do the views actually come from?

You must be thinking that we provide the views through bots, well that is not correct. All our views are from genuine and true youtube users. We have a network of millions of interconnected self-help users, who work together to get mutually helpful views.

Is it safe to get views with money?

It is a perfectly safe method to get youtube views by purchasing it. Through this way you get views from your targeted users. Like if you are in Arab region and need views from Arabs then you can very well get it from Arabs by buying Arab youtube views.

Can this activity get me banned?

Absolutely not, you are getting the views from genuine sources so there is zero chances of you getting banned. On the contrary your channel would get more credibility by getting views from a genuine source.

Is this buying youtube illegal?

If it was illegal our site would be blocked by now. But as you can very well see that it is still working fine. So this trade is perfectly normal and legal.